Friday, February 28, 2014

Weekend Weigh In

Another week gone, and another 3 pounds gone!  Woohoo.  This was a lighter training week for me, but a much better eating week (with the exception of the burger I ate at Firebirds last night.  I had sweet potato fries as the side, so that makes it healthy, right...).  This is my last week of Upward Basketball, so training should pick up a bit after this is over.  It has been a good season, but I'm ready for this one to be over.

So, with all of that said, here are this weeks numbers:

Swim: 1 workout
0.95 miles
Bike: 1 workout
23.09 miles
Run: 3 workouts
7.13 miles
5 workouts
31.17 miles

And I can't forget today's inspirational video.  

Friday, February 21, 2014

Weekend Weigh In

Swim: 2 workouts
1.14 miles
Bike: 1 workout
28.79 miles
Run: 4 workouts
6.23 miles
7 workouts
36.16 miles

Monday, February 17, 2014

Where Does the Time Go?

It is Monday night, and I'm supposed to be doing laundry and ironing my shirts.  Laundry is going, Dave Ramsey is on iHeartRadio, Clash of Clans is begging me to attack a few people, and the shirts are just hanging.  I might get to one tonight.  

I used to be a morning ironing guy.  You know him - the one who keeps the ironing board set up in the living room and only pressed a shirt when it was needed, which was most weekdays.  

Now I'm a morning training guy.  Right now my alarm goes off at 5:00 a.m., and when my training ramps up in May it will become 4:00 a.m..  This means that my ironing time has been moved.  

Scheduling can be difficult when I start doing long distance triathlons because of the different hats I wear.  

I'm a:
Bank Manager
Basketball Coach
Triathlete in Training
Church Member
And the list goes on...

I know that since I'm not a parent (yet) that many of you reading this are saying, "No kids?  You've got plenty of time, what are you talking about?"  I'm not trying to argue who has more time between you and me.  The point is that if you're going to commit to an Ironman you have to schedule your training.  

There are challenges: I want (and need) to spend time with my (super supportive) wife.  The pool is only open at certain times.  I have a job.  My name is not Frederik Van Lierde, and Gu does not pay me to wear their logo.  

You can follow me on Twitter: @JerryWS98

Friday, February 14, 2014

Weekend Weigh In

Swim: 2 workouts
1.30 miles
Bike: 2 workouts
39.32 miles
Run: 4 workouts
7.32 miles
7 workouts
47.94 miles

I developed a head cold Tuesday afternoon.  Wednesday, said head cold got worse, and I thought I was going to die, so I enjoyed my favorite carbonated beverage, fried chicken, Steak-Out, and just ate bad in general.  Thursday I was feeling a little better, and got by with only 1 caffeinated beverage.  This morning, I'm back to knocking on death's door.  All because of a head cold.  

Here's the good from the week:  
-I biked almost 40 miles on Sunday.  The last 20 were difficult, but I managed.  
-I wrapped up Week 5 of Couch to 5K, and was able to maintain a sub 11/min pace on the run.  
-I was able to swim two nights, even if I did cut Tuesday's short because of the head cold.  

The not so good:
-I'm up a pound, but I'm blaming the head cold.  

All in all, I'm happy with this week, even with the head cold.  I complain WAY more than I should when I don't feel well, but Brooke hasn't tossed me out of the house yet.  I'm hoping this crud is gone in the next day or two.  

And here is your inspirational video for the week.  

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Filling Up

It’s no secret that I’m a big guy.  One of my biggest obstacles is my diet.  I enjoy food.  Lots of food.  January of last year was disheartening when I finally got the fortitude to step on the scale.  257lbs hurt my pride and my heart.  I lost 22 and was at 235 for Rocketman Florida.  I rebounded back to 248, and now I’m down to 241. 

My wife, Brooke, started Weight Watchers this year (and is doing GREAT) and I joined the party with her.  I downloaded WWDiary, a free Weight Watchers app that will calculate daily point allowances, food points, and a few other neat things.  If you’re looking for a convenient app to journal your food, this is it. 

Brooke is really good a finding WW friendly recipes on the internet.  This is one area where her Pinterest  addiction has proven helpful to me. 

Today for lunch I had two servings of Spaghetti Pie (9 points per serving) and an apple.  Right after I ate I thought, “I’m still hungry.  This sucks.”  Then I got called back to my office for a few minutes.  After I got done with what I was asked about I had a strange realization – I’m satisfied.  The hunger was gone, and the food had travelled to my stomach. 

I know I eat fast.  I also know that after I’ve had enough that I should wait for 20 minutes or so before helping myself to more.  But this is where my self-control suffers.  I used to eat until I was full, and then eat a little more to make sure I can hold over until the next meal.  I know it’s all about moderation, portion control, and slowing down the bites, but darn it, it is hard! 

But for lunch today, it was a win. 

Friday, February 7, 2014

Weekend Weigh-in

Friday is my off day for training, and will become the day that I report on my last 7 days of training, as well as a weekly weight report.  Let the accountability begin. 


Swim: 1 workout
0.80 miles

Bike: 2 workouts
24.49 miles

Run: 4 workouts
7.21 miles

7 workouts
32.5 miles

This was my fourth week of C25K, second week of a group ride, and third week cycling with a group on Sunday afternoons. 

For a beginning base week, I'll take it!

Achievement Unlocked: Augusta 70.3 Registration!

It's hard to put a monetary price on becoming a 70.3 athlete, but WTC has done it.  I put the money down about 30 minutes ago, and I'm ecstatic!  

So, now that I've paid, what are my goals?  I'll break them down into 3 categories: A (Best race day ever!), B (What is possible with a solid training schedule that I stick to), and C (Worst case scenario).  

A Goals:
Swim: 27 Minutes (We're going downstream, so this is realistic)
T1: 4 Minutes
Bike: 3:25 (16mph average)
T2: 3 Minutes
Run: 2:11 (10 min/mile pace)
Total: 6:10

B Goals:
Swim: 33 Minutes
T1: 6 Minutes
Bike: 3:45 (15mph average)
T2: 6 Minutes
Run: 2:30 (11:30 min/mile pace)
Total: 7:00

C Goal:
Finish.  Without dying.  

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end.

Yes, it has been FOREVER since I've written here. I'll give you the breakdown.

I finished Rocketman Florida! 8:23:19 for those interested in the time. Here is my finisher's picture.

What's next? I'm glad you asked. Here is my short & long term race calendar.

March 15: Centerpoint 5K
May 11: Agape's 3rd Annual Run for a Mom 5K (I'm running the course an hour before to turn this into a 10K)
September 28: Augusta Ironman 70.3
October 12: Montgomery Half Marathon
November 1: Volunteer at Ironman Florida
November 2: Sign up for Ironman Florida 2015
November 3: Pray that I don't have buyer's remorse after dropping the cash on Ironman Florida.

November 7: Ironman Florida

Where I currently stand-
The Good: I have a 70.3 distance behind me. I know I can do it.
I still like swimming. A local swim coach has offered to coach a couple of us as well.
I'm actually enjoying the runs that I'm doing. I have a copule of guys who I run with, and this makes it much more enjoyable, even on my solo days.
Speaking of those guys, they are great accountability partners. I can tell the accountability is going to be great.

The Bad:
As of this morning, I weigh 243. I'm a big dude.
I still don't have a convenient place to practice open water swimming.
I'm more involved with Upward Basketball than I have been in the past. Time is at a premium until after March 1.

The Ugly:
I'll never be a good blogger. This is nothing new.

I'm continuing my journey to 140.6. I'm looking forward to hearing, "Jerry Shands, You are an Ironman!"