Saturday, April 26, 2014

Weekend Weigh-in

Weight: 238

2 Workouts
1.1 Miles

1 Workout
18.57 Miles

3 Workouts
8.33 Miles

6 Workouts
28.00 Miles

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The Power of a High Five

     It’s no secret that running has been my weakest sport of the three.  Training has been good to me this year, and I’m up to running an hour at a time with a pace somewhere around 11:15/mile.  Monday was my first hour long run.  While challenging, I can truly say that I enjoyed it.  The weather was cool, I had a good night’s sleep, and I wanted to run.

     I started running at the P’ville YMCA around 4:50am, and soon after three ladies started doing a bootcamp type of exercise routine inside of the track.  I didn’t think much of it, zoned into my music, and kept with my steady pace.  About 30 or 40 minutes into my run I was starting to feel a little tired – nothing bad mind you, just feeling the challenge of the run.  It was also about that time that one of the ladies recognized me, said, “Hey Jerry,” and gave me a high-five.

     That quick exchange wasn’t Earth shattering, life changing, or religious.  However, it did give me a boost of energy.  My form improved, my breathing came easier, and I just felt good.

      It’s the small things.

      Don’t forget the power of a simple high-five.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Weekend Weigh-in

Weight: 237
2 Workouts
1.55 Miles

1 Workout
21.84 Miles

2 Workouts
6.1 Miles

6 Workouts
29.49 Miles

     This has been another good base building week for me. I’m still consistent with 2 swims per week, slowly increasing my distance. Wednesday brought 1500 yards, and felt very good. It won’t be long before one day is dedicated to distance, and another is dedicated to speed.

     My runs have been at a slower, relaxed pace. I thought I would never have a “relaxed pace,” while running, so this has been an awesome breakthrough. However, if you happen to see me running, you’ll notice that I resemble a person trying not to die, even if I feel good. I’m just not a good looking runner.

     The bike was a tough workout, with Heather inviting me along for a Sunday afternoon group ride. The distance wasn't so bad, but the hills… oh my goodness, the hills. My quads were very unhappy during this ride, and the day after. But in all honesty, it was a good ride for me. My HIM training plan calls for a hill workout once a week, so this will be a good route to remember.

     My diet has been better, but still not great*. I’m eating more fruit, and making some better choices when I go out to eat, so I’ll call it a win. Between the exercise and a better diet I am down 3 pounds, which is great for me. Just 37 lbs to race weight!

     And I can’t write this entry without sharing my newest purchase – a pair of Louis Garneau Tri X-Speed Shoes! I was browsing and saw them on closeout, so I made an impulse purchase and bought them. I've actually been looking for a pair of tri shoes, and they were the right price, so it made sense. My first ride with them will be tomorrow, so I’ll give an update after the ride.

*My breakfast this morning consisted of 3 donuts from Dunkin’ Donuts. Lunch included 2 more. I’m not a connoisseur, but I find Krispy Kreme to have a superior donut product.


Don’t forget to check me out on Facebook, and follow me on Twitter.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Weekend Weigh In

Weight: 240

Swimming: 2 Workouts
1.1   Miles

Cycling: 1 Workout
13.97 Miles

Running: 3 Workouts
7.82 Miles

I’m a couple of days late on this, but the numbers are as of Friday, April 4.

Seeing the weight stall out is difficult, but my body must be gaining muscle and losing fat because my clothes are getting looser.  The Bridge to 10K program is going well, and I’m really enjoying running again.  I hope I can still say that when the Alabama heat and humidity are in full force during July and August.    I’ve started doing pushups and planks, using the Push Ups and Plank Challenge apps on my phone.  The mental challenge for these exercises reminds me of my first time going through C25K, and only jogging for 60 seconds at a time. “Really, only 6 push-ups at a time – I can do more than that!”  But I know that I’ve got to slow down to build my endurance, and I’ll be doing way more than that in a month or two.  However, I can already tell the benefits in pectoral and shoulder strength as I swim and ride in the aero position.

The Capital of Dreams Triathlon is just under 2 months away, and while I’ve not made up my mind yet, I’m leaning toward the Olympic distance.  I know I can do the swim without exerting too much energy, and the bike is a distance that is less than most of my current training rides.  Then there’s the 10K run.  I’ll be a month out of Bridge to 10K, so it’s just a matter of having enough gas in the tank to finish the run.

I guess it is time to start working with fuel* during the bike and run portions.


*On the ride home from Atlanta yesterday I did fuel up with a bag of Chex Mix Bold Party Mix, which gave me some pretty rank breath.